Written by 5:05 am Dubai • One Comment

2020 The Year of Change

We are all aware that 2020 has been a year of change. A year of unexpected events that have changed the way we live our lives.

For the most part, the changes we’ve seen have been challenging. Moods have been low, relationships have been strained, plans have been postponed and in some cases cancelled completely. But not all changes have been negative. A lot of people have taken in their stride and used the extra, unexpected, time to their advantage. Some have lost weight, taken up a new hobby and found a new level of appreciation for their family and friends. I however, embraced change in a slightly different way.

My Change?

Just over 2 weeks ago I applied for a job on a bit of a whim. I was working at a pub, not massively enjoying myself and so every spare minute I had I was applying for jobs. This job in particular that I signed up for was a role that I looked at and thought “yeah, I can give that a go”. A two year contract teaching swimming through Speedo, a well known swimming brand offering their own personalised lessons to children and adults of all age groups and abilities. The catch, well the job is in Dubai.

I applied on a Wednesday morning, contacted on the Thursday with regard an interview which I went on to have on the Friday morning. By the Saturday I had received a job offer in my inbox. Fast forward to today, it is 7.35am (4.35am UK time) and I am sat in my hotel room eating breakfast preparing for my second day at my new job!

My first day, yesterday, was wonderful. This week is all about meeting people and learning more about my role. I now have a copious amount of Speedo branded kit, including a new costume, as part of my uniform. Not that I needed a new costume, I packed 12 in my case! I have taught 2 group lessons so far in an outside pool and am yet to get sunburnt. Today I have a few hours in the office this morning and then am off to teach in the tallest building in the world, yes, The Burj Khalifa has a pool and yes, I get to run lessons there!

2020 has turned out to be a year of good and bad, rough and smooth, but I am making the most of it and embracing change like never before!

I am a Swimming Teacher and Assistant Venue Lead with Speedo Swim Squads and I live in Dubai!!!

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