Author: Marion


What Will Change?

It is not news that swimming will be different when we’re allowed back into the water, but what does this mean? In short, we don’t know right now. Swim England will be releasing further guidance on Monday June 15th. Along with the changes we will have to abide by, I will also be making changes …...

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Board Game

Need something to keep yourselves entertained? I don’t know about you, but during this lockdown period I have played more board games and completed more puzzles than I have in a long, long time! Which gave me the idea to create my own, swimming related of course. The game is designed for 2-4 players and …...

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RLSS Open Water Safety Video

For anyone thinking of going out into the open water now that restrictions have been lifted, please take a moment to watch this video. It’s so important to keep ourselves safe out there!...

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When can we Splash into Swimming again?

So, the recent update from Boris Johnson was not exactly music to my ears, hear I was with my hope’s way too high listening out for when pools will reopen. I guess I am an optimist, even though I 100% appreciate why they remain shut, I am still gutted not to be back in the …...

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Swim England Worksheets

Browsing the internet this afternoon and as usual, I end up looking at articles connected to swimming. Today’s article is from Swim England and advertising a variety of activity sheets for children to download, FOR FREE!  If you’re interested take a peak at the link below! ...

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Staying Safe and Staying Home!

Are you or children missing swimming as much as I am? Hi All, I hope you are all safe and well. I’m missing swimming! Are you? If you are then hopefully some of the resources I’ve uploaded will keep you/your little ones entertained. Currently you will find two posts: one with word searches and one …...

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How well do you know the four strokes?

Stroke Crosswords Below you will find a crossword for every stroke....

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Can you find all the words?

Word Searches – Easy, Medium or Hard? Word searches – easy, medium or hard? you choose!...

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